Also known as the death penalty, capital punishment is a government-sanctioned killing of a person who has committed a crime for which the punishment is death. These crimes are called “capital” acts and include such offenses as murder, mass murder, aggravated rape, treason, terrorism, spying, aircraft hijacking, actions to overthrow the government, and others, depending upon the country.
Within the definition is the understanding that capital punishment only occurs following some type of judicial process in which the individual is given the death penalty. In the U.S., for example, it is the result of a court trial with the penalty imposed either by a jury or a judge.
Capital punishment only occurs following some type of judicial process in which the individual is given the death penalty
As for some capital punishment facts, here are a few stats:
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Request this writerThe capital punishment pros and cons have long been established and here are the most common ones that are used in arguing each side of this issue.
Obviously, your essay will be of the argumentative type. This means you must take a stand and defend it with facts. At the same time, you must look at the other side’s arguments and do your best to refute them.
Your essay will involve research. For example, is capital punishment really a deterrent? Countries that have long abolished the death penalty have lower crime rates than those in the U.S. You need facts and figures, or your argument is worthless.
This essay could require more than the basic 3 body paragraphs. You may want to choose your three best arguments to present, and then choose the three best arguments that the opposing side presents, and refute them. This might require as much as 6 paragraphs unless you can present your side and the related opposition in one paragraph.
Your introduction must contain your thesis statement – the position you are taking. The body paragraphs that follow will provide your points and refute the opposing side’s points.
Plenty of examples of argumentative essays on the capital punishment debate are out there on the web. You can access these and see the arguments others have made, both in support of your position and in rebuttal of the other side. You may get some new or unique ideas – just be certain your essay is a unique, original piece of writing.