Good Jobs for College Students

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By: Marie Fincher

August 07, 2015

What Having a Job Means To You?

For some college students having a job is what allows them to have an active social life. For other college students, having a job is even more important. These students rely on the income that they earn to meet their basic living expenses. The problem is that good jobs for college students are not always easy to come by. There are many reasons for this. In some college towns, business owners prefer to hire locals over students. Often times, the issue is simply a lack of employment opportunities for everyone. In addition to this, many college students need flexible work hours to accommodate classes and other activities. This too can complicate the job search. Fortunately, even with these obstacles in place, almost any college student can find a way to earn money while they are in school. It simply takes creativity and an open-minded attitude. It also requires that students research job opportunities carefully so that they pursue only the best opportunities.

Be Aware that some College Student Jobs are Scams

Unfortunately, there are predatory employers that specifically target students with seemingly great job opportunities. These entities frequently post flyers on college campuses and advertise on social media. They promise great wages (significantly more than minimum), free training, a fun work environment, and flexibility. Of course, these are all of the things that most students dream of. Unfortunately, in reality, these jobs are never what they seem. In most cases, they are door to door sales jobs or telemarketing positions which pay solely on commission. In many cases, students are asked to pay for starter kits out of their own pockets. Worse, the products and services that the students are asked to sell are of poor quality. If a student does manage to earn any money, they are often never paid as their employer has ‘high-tailed it’ to the next college town. Remember to take lofty promises from employers with a grain of salt, and never pay somebody to work for them.

Explore the Possibility of Online Jobs

One employment option that can be a great fit for college students is online employment. Students can earn quite a bit of money working from their own homes doing one or more of the following tasks:

  • Website Testing – Companies will pay students to visit their websites and test functionality.
  • Online Customer Service and Order Taking – Rather than having expensive to maintain call centers, some companies contract customer service duties to individuals who work from home.
  • Taking Surveys – Market researchers gladly pay students to complete surveys on the internet.
  • Online Technical Support – Students who are computer savvy can find jobs as frontline tech support agents
  • Online Tutoring – Students can tutor others via the internet for a nice rate of pay.
  • Making and Selling arts and Crafts – Students who have creative talents can sell the objects they create via Etsy or other similar websites.

These at-home jobs can be quite lucrative for students who can stay focused and don’t fall prey to distractions such as the television.

Many Students Create their own Good Paying Jobs

Rather than relying on others for employment, many students put their entrepreneurial skills to use and find ways to create job opportunities for themselves. The trick is to recognize a need that people have and then to offer a solution for that need. For example, a college student living in the suburbs could pick up weekend jobs running errands for working parents who prefer to spend their time at home on Saturdays and Sundays.

The Best Jobs Allow Students to Maintain Good Grades

The ideal job for any college student is one that allows them the time they need to keep up with their school work. Unfortunately, there are times when the best jobs are demanding, and students can struggle with their assignments during that time. Fortunately, research paper writing services like can help students keep up with their work during these times. 

Marie Fincher

While being committed to a number of charitable causes, like volunteering at special events or giving free art lessons to children, Marie doesn’t forget her vocation – writing. She can write about almost anything but has focused on time management, motivation, academic and business writing.